the swanson's

Monday, January 2, 2012

santa pics

these are our santa pics that i use for our christmas cards. maybe next year we will get a smile?!

first she gave him weird looks, and then she pulled the beard...

next, she looked at us like we were giving her away...

the grand finale...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

9 months

we took hadlie to her 9 month appointment on friday and she is doing great!

her stats-

weight: 18.11 lbs {48 percentile}
height: 27.5" {49 percentile}

she can offically have table foods, so we went and had lunch.

hadlie had some of my spaghetti...i think saying she loved it would be an understatement.


Monday, December 12, 2011

getting the hang of it!

im pretty sure i will have a walker by christmas! 

it's amazing how fast she learns and picks up on things! she is growing up so fast...not quite sure how i feel about this (except maybe the idea of her sleeping through the night...that would be glorious)!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

bad santa or bad decide

our neighborhood had their annaul winter festival, so we decided to check it out. they had a petting zoo, train rides, carriage rides, balloon animals, gingerbread house making AND santa!! hadlie LOVES santa...ok maybe night, but we tried again!

checking out the petting you can tell there was a 'herd' of people and little kids chasing a poor tiny piglet!

next up...SANTA! although, he wasnt the real one, he smelled of beef and cheese! just kidding!

hadlie just LOVES you can tell! i will not torture her again, until next year!

next up, the train ride. 

me and my little lady! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

spreading holiday cheer

this is hadlie's 1st christmas! kyle and i couldnt be more excited to celebrate it with our sweet little lady.

first up decorating the tree...

we can't wait to start and continue our own family traditions...